Our Story

Dale’s vision and drive was to create an organisation that people wanted to be part of.

His obsession with positive culture, empowerment and leadership created a uniquely designed business, that albeit small in size, always strived to challenge the “big guys” to do things better. The ethos of the business was driven by Dale’s desire for positive impact no matter the engagement he was involved with.

The outcomes for people, planet and society were, and still remain, paramount to everything we do at Scaada. The “why” we exist as an organization is still at the heart of the business, and Dale’s intention to leave things better than we found them is of upmost importance on every task we undertake.

Scaada was developed from Geelong, Victoria’s second largest city, and we still maintain our home roots here. Despite our continued growth, we will always recognise and appreciate the connection to local community and the need to remain locally engaged.

Scaada Environmental and Sustainability (Scaada) started from a small family operated business in 2018.

After many years of operating as a sole trader, our founder Dale Smith decided to convert his occupational hygiene consultancy into an operating business. The business name was born from the first names of Dale, his wife Colette, and their four daughters. The connection to family always underpinned the reason to grow, and that in turn assisted in the creation of our brand.